Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving Update

We went up to Brendan's parents' house in Marshfield, MA for Thanksgiving this year. It was a great visit - just really busy! Aidan was really happy that he got to play with his cousin Chase. We had a nice Thanksgiving meal on Thursday. On Friday we went to Edaville Railroad in Carver and on Saturday we had Emmy's Baptism and the entire Cullinan clan went to Fenway for family pictures. It was FREEZING! The kids were miserable and both Aidan and Emmy ended up crying by the end of it! On the up side - it was really cool to be in Fenway park when it was empty and the pictures are really neat!Chase, Brody, Murphy, Aidan and Emmy - ready for bed on Thanksgiving night
Murphy and Emmy
Aidan and Emmy on Santa's lap - Aidan asked for a pirate ship...
Emmy's Baptism
Us at Emmy's Baptism

Chase, Mary, Emmy, Brody, Aidan, Dan and Murphy at Fenway

Aidan, Brendan, Becky, Emmy, Joe, Murphy, Siobhan, Mary, Dan, Amanda, Brody, Justin, Chase, Nora, Tim and Dan at Fenway

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pre Thanksgiving

So it's been a little while since my last post and I'm getting a bit of flack from some of you - I didn't know that I had an adoring public!!! Anyway - it's been a busy week - my parents came last weekend and I turned 30 (ahhhhhh) on Monday. We had a really nice visit and even got to see some of the monuments. The weather was not so great - what you think of when you think of November - cold and rainy. Emmy also turned 5 months. She is really turning over well now and finally getting that arm out of the way. We've had a few setbacks with sleeping. She had started sleeping through the night on September 11 and was great for about a month. Then she started waking up again and acting hungry around 5 am. The doctor said not to feed her but I'm afraid she is going to wake Aidan up so I feed her and she goes right back to sleep. So I don't really know what to do - some days she wakes up at 3 and some days it's 5. I'm sure that it will pass but it is still a little painful.

My Dad and Mom with Aidan and Emmy at the Jefferson Memorial

A view of the Capitol and Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial

Aidan at a friend's birthday party at Gymboree

Aidan walking by the Potomac

Emmy almost sitting by herself

Emmy on her new tummy time toy

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Parent Helping In Aidan's Classroom

On Tuesday I was the parent helper for Aidan's classroom. At a co-op preschool there is a parent helper everyday in class. With 12 kids in the class it works out to about once every 6 weeks and it is so much fun! The kids are great - 8 boys and 4 girls - all under 3!! Totally crazy but they are all pretty independent and get along really well. Thank goodness there are no bullies. They all say please and thank you - even to each other and take turns with the favorite toys (relatively) well. A big tree had fallen in the parking lot the night before so we didn't get to go out to play in the playground for fear that another weak tree might be looming. But they didn't seem to mind - all the more time to hang out in the loft and play with trucks and blocks.
Here is Aidan waving the flag during the Flag Song. The "co-op kid" (the kid with the parent in the classroom) gets to wave the flag. It is a very desired privilege...

Making the hand print stripes for a very big flag

Playing with the Fisher Price airplane

Some of the other boys in Aidan's class

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tauxemont's Halloween Party

On Tuesday afternoon Aidan's school had a Halloween Party. It was total chaos as you can imagine. Here are a few pictures - you can see Aidan in the school picture way over on the lefthand side playing a pipe flute.
Aidan's class - they are the youngest ones at school - it goes all the way up to Kindergarten.
Who would have known that HOURS of fun could be had by pounding golf tees into a pumpkin...

Emmy was a little overwhelmed by the commotion.

Halloween 2007

We went over to Gramma Page and Pop's house in Arlington to go Trick or Treating last night. It was pretty warm which was way better than how I remember many Halloweens - either raining or so cold you had to wear your parka OVER your costume. We walked around with the neighbors on either side and their pack of kids. Aidan and Brendan tried really hard to keep up - not so easy on those hills!! I trailed along with Pop and Emmy in the Bjorn - we all enjoyed the walk. Aidan in his flight suit and Stetson.
Emmy in her improvised costume - the one I got for Florida was too cold for last night!
She is just starting to be able to balance herself in a sitting position. This didn't last long - I had to use the timer on the camera to catch it!