Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day of School

 Today was Aidan's last day of school and they did the Reading Counts t-shirt presentation in the morning.  The first graders had a goal of 100 points to earn through reading books of various point values throughout the year.  A Dr. Seuss book would be 2 points while The Secret Garden would earn you 15 points or so.  Aidan really worked hard and earned 623 points!!  We were so proud of all the effort he put in and how much his reading has improved through the year.  He has gone from reading The Magic Tree House books to reading Percy Jackson books - all by himself!!
 Aidan with some other students in Ms. Posey's class who earned their Reading Counts shirts:
 The school's reading stats!!

First Tomatoes!

 We got our first tomatoes tonight - May 31st!!!  2 months after we planted those tiny little tomato plants and we are already getting some delicious little cherry tomatoes!!  The girls were so happy because there's nothing that they love more than bite sized tomatoes!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hot Memorial Day Weekend

 It was so hot today.  I guess we've got to get used to it but it was the first really hot day so far.  We got out the slide and the slip and slide and everyone had a great time cooling off.  Aoife also got a bike finally!  She had fun being a big kid and trying to ride it but eventually decided the slip and slide was easier!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Emmy's Last Day of Pre K

 Emmy's last day of PreK was on Friday.  It's amazing how much she has grown since her first day way back in August!  Brendan, Aoife and I went to school with her, ate breakfast with her and her class and went to their performance.  Then we got Aidan out of school and went with Emmy's friends and their families to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  There's a big play area so the kids could be occupied while the adults socialized!
Emmy before school:
 Emmy and Emily:
 Brendan is very popular with 5 year olds!

 Emmy singing in her performance:
 the "B"
 A bear went over a mountain...
 Aoife, Emmy, Aubrey and Kate:
 Emmy with all of her BFFs:
 Emmy and Ms. Nancy

Me with Emmy's friends' moms
 Lunch at Chick-Fil-A

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Aidan's Field Day

 Today was Aidan's field day and it was HOT!!!  The kids seemed to have fun but I had a hard time with the heat.  They had inflatables to jump on, sack races, a parachute, volleyball, football tossing and relay races.  Only a few more days of school and we'll be on summer vacation!!!
Aidan and his friend, Cale:

 tug of war:
 football toss:
 beach volleyball
 sack races

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emmy's Field Day

 Emmy had her field day on Tuesday and it was FUN!  The weather was sunny and warm but not too hot and all the kids had a great time.  They played with sand, blew bubbles, painted with water, drew with chalk, fingerpainted with cool whip, played with gak and got wet with big sponges.  Her last day of school is Friday and it's a little sad that PreK is almost over. I can't believe she'll be in full day Kindergarten in a few months!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

7-17 Change of Command

 On Monday I went to Brendan's unit's change of command.  LTC Reilly gave up command of 7-17 CAV and LTC Coyle became the new commander.  It was a nice ceremony and it wasn't even too hot which was great! 

Brendan in the center marching in:

 outbound and inbound Squadron Commanders: