Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

The kids are feeling much better and today while Brendan and Aidan went on a bike ride Emmy and I made cookies. She was so cute and very helpful. She paid attention and wanted to help. She stayed engaged in the whole process from measuring and mixing to putting the dough on the cookie sheets and baking them. When I did this with Aidan I would lose him before the dry ingredients made it into the bowl! We had a lot of fun and when the cookies started coming out of the oven she was carrying them around on her princess tray. She kept saying "take a picture, Mommy". So we set the cookies up together and she took the picture of the cookies - with a little help. She was very proud of the whole thing and seemed to enjoy herself - plus she loved eating the cookies and sharing them with Aidan and Brendan.


  1. how cute! I love them in her princess trays next to her teapot :) She is a little Mini-Becky in the kitchen!

  2. Emmy looks so happy! I love the first picture! So, so cute!

  3. Great picture. Maggie loves it and asks to see "Emmy and cookies" any time I am on the computer.


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