Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Aidan is sick again!

Aidan has strep throat - or so the doctor thinks. They don't actually test for it here - takes 4 days to grow the culture??? Anyway - Aidan got penicillin last night and promptly had a crazy reaction. He was INSANE - I have never seen a child so hyper in my entire life. He was literally running around the house in circles, screaming at the top of his lungs, throwing things and trying to climb up the door frames. Brendan and I looked at each other, I said - "well, I guess this is what a penicillin reaction looks like!" I called the doctor and he put in another prescription. I went down to get it and gave it to Aidan. About 2 hours after the initial dose of penicillin, Aidan passed out from exhaustion. He slept from 7 pm to 8 am this morning and woke up a new kid. He actually went to school this morning, which is good because today is the last day before half term break (fall vacation). So I guess he won't be having penicillin again!!


  1. ack!! i'm allergic to penicillin, too, but my reaction is more of the hives, not the hyper variety. i'm glad to hear he's feeling better now, though!

  2. Sounds just like the reaction Jeff would have to Amoxicillin - he was CRAZY. Up til all hours running, jumping, throwing toys....awful. Glad Aidan's feeling better. Give him a kiss from us!

  3. Poor thing... I'm glad he's feeling better!

  4. Wow!! I'd say no on the penicillin, and possibly, all the -cillin family. I'm glad he's doing better, and everyone got some rest!!


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