Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park

After lunch we took a taxi back to the hotel and took a nap!! After we were all rested and warm we went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park which is a big Carnival/excuse to drink Gluhwein (mulled wine). It wasn't too cold and there was no wind and we had a good time going on rides and eating bratwurst and popcorn.
Here they are - all bundled up - Emmy insisted on wearing my scarf (faux Burberry) after seeing everyone in London with their Burberry scarves. A fashionista in the making.
Riding in the princess coach - what could be better?
Driving the train:
Brendan took Aidan and Emmy on the carousel:
This is a HUGE ferris wheel that had enclosed cars. We took a ride and it was really cool to see the city at night.


  1. What a fun time for kids! They opened up Busch Gardens for Christmas this year, and I can't wait to take Addy!

  2. the kids are adorable, the park looks super fun, and I LOVE the last photo!


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