Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aoife and Emmy

Aoife has really started to become her own little person these days. She smiles and laughs at just about anything that Aidan and Emmy do. She loves playing with anything that makes noise and/or lights up because she has just realized that she is the one making the toy do it. This toy looks like a giant cat toy and is one of her favorites - it's easy to hold and makes a wonderful rattling sound!
Emmy has started to care about what she wears and how her hair is done. I thought we'd have at least another 5 years! She picked these hair elastics out at the grocery store yesterday and has worn them ever since. She even sat very still in my lap for a good 5 minutes while I struggled to get her very fine hair into the bows. She adores the pigtails and shows them to everyone she sees.


  1. so freakin cute! the both of them!!

  2. Thanks!! They are getting to be so much fun!

  3. Aoife is so happy and full of smiles and fun! And Emmy is just beautiful as always :)


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