Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Visit from Matt and Helen

On Sunday we went into London and met up with my cousin, Matt, and his wife, Helen. They were in London for a few days before visiting Paris and then Bruges, Belgium. We went to the Natural History Museum because we haven't been there before, it is FREE (unlike most things in London) and we thought the kids would really like it. It was great! They have a wonderful dinosaur exhibit with tons of skeletons and also a big mammals section with lots of dead stuffed animals. The kids had a great time and it was really nice to visit with Matt and Helen. It had been a while since we'd seen them and it was nice to catch up.
Since the traffic isn't bad on Sundays we drove all the way into central London and even found a great parking spot right outside on the street. It couldn't have been an easier trip! It was too bad that we couldn't stay longer but we had to get back so Brendan could work on his thesis - it's due in 1 week!
Here's the entrance hall to the museum!
Outside the museum
Matt and Helen
Matt and Helen with the kids in the mammals exhibit
Emmy with the "Emmy Elephant" - anything small is the "Emmy" one!
Checking out the stuffed animals:

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