Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Farm Trip

These pictures are a little late but still cute! We went to the farm last weekend to enjoy the beautiful warm weather, see the animals and give Brendan a chance to work on his thesis. We had a great time playing, running around and eating snacks. Aoife still isn't walking which makes going on outings a little boring for her since she has to be in the stroller or in the backpack. She's starting to cruise and can stand on her own for a few seconds. Walking's not far off and it'll make going to the park so much nicer - hopefully no more handfuls of dirt and sand right into her mouth!
Here's Aoife in the stroller watching Aidan and Emmy wistfully:
Aidan and Emmy talking to the sheep - if they baa'd at the sheep then the sheep would baa back - it was hysterical!
Playing red light, green light - Emmy doesn't really get it yet:
The best group picture we could get - not that great!


  1. Aoife looks so much like Emmy in these pictures!

  2. great photos! I love the one of Aidan holding his hand up to stop Emmy. They are so cute together!


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