Sunday, August 1, 2010

And we're back!

We finally got internet in the house! Yeah - so sorry that it's been so long. We moved into the house on Ft. Campbell last week and have been living in an EMPTY home since then. We have blow-up mattresses, table and chairs, the clothes we brought in our suitcases, dishes and a few pots and pans. The kids are bored out of their minds so it's good that Aidan starts school on Thursday. Emmy will start preschool 3 mornings a week the next week. Brendan has just started work but his job is still a little up in the air. I'll be really happy once we get our household goods at the end of August. By then our routine will be a little more settled. It'll be nice to feel a little more normal again after 3 months of being in the moving process.
Here's our house on Ft. Campbell:
Our road:
Playing with a sprinkler ball in the backyard - it's soooo hot here. Most days have been over 100F and so humid.
Emmy and Aoife cooling off - notice that Aoife is walking well now!
Clarksville, TN - not exactly the English countryside:
A visitor to our house the other evening. It's mother was around too. We also had a wild turkey come by the other day!


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