Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Riverview Mounds Farm

On Sunday we went to Riverview Mounds Farm just south of Clarksville. They have animals to visit, things to climb on, pumpkins and a hay ride. The kids had a great time despite the heat. I can't believe that is is September 22nd and it is still 101 degrees outside! It was a little cooler this past weekend but still hot!
Aidan enjoying the tractor:

Climbing on hay bales:
You have to click on this picture and make it bigger to get the full effect:
Emmy visiting with the animals:
Emmy and Aoife dwarfed by a llama:
Aidan riding a pony - I think he's getting a little big for this!
Emmy riding the pony - she would have been happy to stay on all day!
Aoife riding. At first she thought that this was a very bad idea but quickly warmed up to it and was riding without help by the end!
Playing horseshoes:
On the hayride:


  1. I bet I know what'll be at the top of Emmy's Christmas list this year! :-D

  2. Thank you for coming out - hope you enjoyed your visit!!! RVM Farm


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