Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fort Defiance

Aunt Amanda visited us this weekend and we had a great time. The kids loved having her around and so did I!!! It's so much fun to have a fun aunt to have dance parties and jump with on the trampoline!!! Although it rained pretty much the entire time Amanda was here, we did manage to get to a new park in Clarksville. Fort Defiance - a Civil War fort - was just reclaimed by the city and they did a beautiful job turning it into a wonderful park. The kids had a great time running around and we all had some much needed outdoor fun!
Here's Amanda with the kids:Amanda and the kids looking out over the downtown area of Clarksville:
Me and the kids with a canon:
Amanda and her BFF, Emmy:
Aidan has developed a love of being upside down - part monkey???
Emmy and Aoife:
Going over a bridge:
Aoife with her favorite hat:
Aoife, Emmy and Aidan standing still long enough for one picture - there's too much to explore to stand still for long!
On the way home there was a gorgeous full double rainbow. This is the view from our house:

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