Monday, May 23, 2011

Emmy's Last Day of School

Friday was Emmy's last day at St. Mary's Preschool. She has really loved being in Ms. Debbie's class and has had an all around great year. It's also been really nice for me to meet some great people - both Clarksville natives and other military moms who are in other units and who I wouldn't have met otherwise. Aoife will be starting in the 2's class in the fall so it wasn't quite as sad a day for me as some of the other moms - or maybe it's just because it's our 5th school. Can't get quite as emotional when you've been through it so many times!
Emmy on the way to school:Emmy with Hadley and Charlee - I think I can safely say that I have giants for children:Emmy's class had a picnic on the last day - great idea and beautiful weather!!

1 comment:

  1. Emmy really is tall! This year has just flown by with school!


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