Sunday, August 28, 2011

Steph's Cake

My friend Stephanie had her farewell from Alpha Troop yesterday afternoon. Her husband changed out of command and so she as well gives up command of the FRG. The families were so sad to let her go and her farewell was the most heartfelt that I have been to. I made this cake for the event. Usually I'll do a military theme but for her I wanted to show how much they will miss her. It's still in CAV red and white but with a more feminine twist.Luckily for me, her husband is taking command of the headquarters troop so she will be MY FRG leader. A sort of student becoming the teacher as I was her FRG leader 5 years ago in Colorado.
I was so happy to do the cake for her but yesterday was one day that I'm glad to have behind me! Today our Parent to Parent team is having a very large event called "Tell Me A Story". The Garrison commander is reading a story to over 60 families and then we will break into groups for a discussion and craft. The logistics of planning for this many people is not difficult but takes some planning. We tested out equipment and had a planning meeting on Friday afternoon and I had to bring the kids with me since school was out. NIGHTMARE - they were hungry and tired after a week of school and after being good for an hour or so they really started to lose it. On Saturday I had planned to bring them with me to help set up for our event on Sunday and then to go to Steph's farewell. I realized as I was driving home that my plan was not going to work. On Saturday morning I called to the Super Saturday (free childcare 2 times a month for deployed families) and begged for them to call me if spaces opened up. Sure enough - there were spaces for all of them!! So at 11:30 I dropped the kids off and had some time to get things in order. 1:45 drop off cake and set it up - then work from 2-3:00 taking down chairs and tables in the room for Sunday. At 3:00 back to the farewell - abandoning my team to get the rest of the room set up. 4:30 - leave to go get the kids at Super Saturday. 5:00 back to the farewell to feed the kids and help finish setting up for Sunday - luckily the farewell and the set up were in the same building! Get home at 6:15 and collapse for 5 minutes - start bedtime routine.
I will be very happy when today is over - event starts at 3 - need to drop the kids off at a friend's house at 2 so I can go set up and she will bring them over at 2:45. Hoping that we'll be home by 5:30 pm. I will sleep well tonight!


  1. How did you get the cookies on top to stand up? Did you bake them with sticks?

  2. I attached popsicle sticks with royal icing!

  3. you continue to amaze me with your talent, Becky! Such a pretty cake!!


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