Friday, September 30, 2011

7-17 CAV Appreciation Reception

On Tuesday night, the Squadron Commander, LTC Reilly, and his wife, Michelle, had a very nice reception for all of the volunteers in 7-17 CAV. The food was great and it was really nice to get together with so many fantastic ladies! The door prizes were goldfish and I actually won a bag of them. The kids were super excited when they woke up in the morning to find 5 goldfish swimming happily around in their bowl. *sigh* I hope I can keep these guys alive a little longer than poor little Mario.
The Reillys with me:All of the ladies who attended:HHT Ladies:The new mini-Cullinans:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Have you named the fish yet? I would name them Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe, and Ralph. :-)


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