Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Maryland Renaissance Festival

We went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival today.  We've been twice before - once in 2008 (click the link!) - and once in 2007.  If you click here and scroll down, you can see two picture from our first visit!
 We went with the Sharps - the same family that we went with in 2008.  Aidan and Will were bet friends back in preschool and they seem to still get along well!  The girls also match up age wise and the four of them get along really really well!  It's so nice to have a family to do things with where no one is left out - at least not until Declan gets a little bigger and realizes that he doesn't have a partner!

The weather at the festival was cool and drizzly - MUCH better than the hot weather that is more typical of this time of year!  In years past we have gone later in the season but Brendan really wanted to go on the opening day - before school and football games get in the way.  The kids had a great time.  Aoife dressed up in her Pirate Fairy costume and wants to go back every weekend!  Aidan was pulled up on stage to help out in a show and loved it so much that now he wants to be an actor.  Emmy climbed all the way to the top of the climbing wall - no hesitation at all.  Declan hated the pony ride and I was SURE that he would love it!! Those kids are just full of surprises!

Watching the magic show!
 Flea circus
 Glass Blowing is amazing!

 Declan had this fairy wrapped around his finger!
 Aidan made it to the top - I missed it!
 That's my girl - all the way up!

 This looks safe!

 Declan staying away from the knife throwing:
 Pirate ship!

 Pony rides - not Declan's bag - at all:
 Aoife loved it but wouldn't smile for the camera - Emmy was too tall :(
 Eating lunch with the Sharps!
 Watching archery
 boys in the stocks!

 Declan with his new favorite - and ready for a nap!
 Emmy's butterfly face!

 Aidan's new love - making a fool of yourself in front of  a crowd!

 We had a great time!!

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