Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Davis, Thomas & Parsons, WV - Day 4

This morning Brendan and I both got to go for long runs.  Although we can't go at the same time, it's nice to be able to take it easy in the morning and work two long runs into our schedule!  After lunch at the house, we drove to Thomas - the little town just North of Davis, the town closest to us.  We thought there might be something to do for the kids but as we drove through, we realized it was just a Main Street with some shops and restaurants.  There wasn't anything for the kids to do.  So we drove to Parsons - another small town - hoping for something fun!  We lucked into a nice playground by the river and the kids played for about an hour.  We also found the largest butternut tree in West Virginia!
After we were done with the playground, we drove back to Thomas for dinner.  We visited a couple of antique stores and then had a delicious dinner at the Purple Fiddle - an offbeat hippie restaurant with live music (later in the evening).  The building was really cool.  It had been a General Store back in the 1800's when the town was a booming coal town.  It was pretty cool and had good food and delicious ice cream!

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