Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween this year! Trick or Treating is relatively new to England but people were very excited on our street. We did a coordinated Trick or Treating at 5 pm and then had a street party/BBQ at 6 pm. It was lots of fun and the weather was great - 60 degrees and dry! Emmy loved her butterfly costume, Aidan thought being a Power Ranger was great and Aoife couldn't wait to get out of her pumpkin. She only stayed in it for the picture! Here's the best picture I could get!
Here's a picture of Aidan before we started carving pumpkins. He did not get sick this year although I think he was starting to not feel well because he suddenly said that he was going to get his bike and go play with his friends. It was better than a few years ago - click here.


  1. The kids look adorable in their costumes. I am impressed you got Aoife in her costume, I had a pumpkin costume for Edy, but couldn't get her in it.

  2. Great pictures! Glad you guys were able to enjoy trick or treating!

  3. Looking at the old post I can't believe how big he is how times flies!

  4. oh they are so stinkin cute! I will never forget the story of Aidan with the pumpkin from a few years ago!


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