Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Potomac Overlook Park

 A few weeks ago we went over to the Potomac Overlook Park that is right around the corner from our house.  I totally forgot about taking the pictures off of my camera until I downloaded some other pics yesterday!  OOOHHH the problems of having two cameras!!  :) 
We had a great time.  There is a little nature center with some turtles, snakes and a hive of bees that Declan was particularly infatuated with!  We visited with the rescue owls and hawk and then took a walk through their garden and what used to be an orchard.  It was a pretty low key morning but perfect for a hot summer day!

Aidan making electricity to light the bulb!
 Looking at recycling paths:
 "BUSIES!""  AKA Bees

 Headed towards the owls

 In the bird house:
 In the garden - safe from the deer.  A 10 foot high fence surrounded the whole garden and there were deer right outside!

 Aoife getting a ride!
 Butterfly bush!
 More like a overgrown clearing but whatevs!

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