Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The National Building Museum

 We went with Kris to see the National Building Museum.  There was a cool maze that was a temporary exhibit.  The kids loved it!  There were also a couple of areas where the kids could build and play.  They had a good time but there wasn't much else there.  The building itself is beautiful and you don't need to pay to get in the building - just to walk through the exhibits.
We had a good time and even had lunch there!  The kids always love having lunch out!

Here's a picture I found online that shows the maze from above!
Declan enjoying the maze!

 Aoife swinging Declan
 A lego model of the museum
 Can Art

 Aoife building
 My boys!

 Declan loved the big blocks!

 Aidan loved the virtual blocks!

 Arch building!

 Arch destroying

 we made a quick stop by the art museum - Degas exhibit!
 Tired after a long day - Emmy snapped this!

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