Tonight was the big night! We went over to Will's house to trick or
treat because they live in a nice quiet neighborhood with sidewalks! It
was a nice night - low 60's - much different from the snowstorms of CO
or the freezing cold Halloweens of my childhood. The kids were great
and the big surprise of the night was how much Emmy LOVED trick or
treating. Somehow she knew from the moment I handed her the treat bag
that this was going to be good. She loved the chem lights that Brendan
brought over and she walked all on her own to some of the houses. She
was even saying "Happy Halloween" and "Trick or Treat" by the end of the

All the kids heading out:

Emmy couldn't get enough of getting her picture taken:

Loving the chem lights:

Venturing out all on her own:

Aidan, Will and Will's friend, Sean:

The boys with Will's sister, Maggie:

Trick or Treating - notice Emmy is right up there!

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