Saturday, October 14, 2023

Parents' Weekend at Trinity

It was so amazing to be able to go up to Trinity this weekend for Parents' Weekend!!  Aidan has been at school for 7 weeks now and - for us at home - it's been quite an adjustment. We all miss him so much but it was really great to see how much he seems to love Trinity! The rugby team seems like a fantastic group of guys - and the parents that I met were so nice!! I met some of Aidan's friends and a couple of their parents - all great people! We went to the Trinity/Middlebury football game - which was really exciting and reminded me so much of games at Tufts - completely the same atmosphere! 
I got up there on Thursday and took Aidan and Patrick out to dinner. On Friday Aidan had classes all morning so I drove up to Holy Cross to see the campus. They were on fall break so it was pretty quiet but it was nice to walk around and see where Emmy will be in a few years! I drove back to Trinity and took Aidan on a Target run and then back to his dorm for a pre-game nap. I met him back at the field for the game - which was awesome and so exciting to watch - AND I got to be on the field to take photos - my favorite thing! On Saturday he slept in a bit and then we went to get a late breakfast and went the football game with some of his friends. In classic fall New England weather - it was cloudy and drizzling for the game. I drove back on Saturday afternoon and got home late. In time to welcome the girls home from HOCO and to get ready for lacrosse on Sunday morning! We love you Aidan and can't wait to have you home for Thanksgiving!!!

Working hard at the library after I left!


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