Thursday, November 8, 2007

Parent Helping In Aidan's Classroom

On Tuesday I was the parent helper for Aidan's classroom. At a co-op preschool there is a parent helper everyday in class. With 12 kids in the class it works out to about once every 6 weeks and it is so much fun! The kids are great - 8 boys and 4 girls - all under 3!! Totally crazy but they are all pretty independent and get along really well. Thank goodness there are no bullies. They all say please and thank you - even to each other and take turns with the favorite toys (relatively) well. A big tree had fallen in the parking lot the night before so we didn't get to go out to play in the playground for fear that another weak tree might be looming. But they didn't seem to mind - all the more time to hang out in the loft and play with trucks and blocks.
Here is Aidan waving the flag during the Flag Song. The "co-op kid" (the kid with the parent in the classroom) gets to wave the flag. It is a very desired privilege...

Making the hand print stripes for a very big flag

Playing with the Fisher Price airplane

Some of the other boys in Aidan's class

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