Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No Pictures but Great Progress!

Some of you out there might not know that we are moving to England in a few weeks so Brendan can go to school for a year. It's part of the Army exchange program. Anyway - he's away for the next two weeks so prepping for the three rounds of packing/moving falls squarely on me - 3 kids and all! The biggest thing that has to be done is that EVERYTHING in the house has to be sorted - do we want to see it in England or can we live without it for a year and put it in storage. So imagine doing this with 3 kids - one who wants to have extended conversations about everything from Star Wars to the weather where Daddy is, one who wants to be carried around (yes that's Emmy) constantly and one who needs to nurse every 2 hours or so - mind you 2 hours from the beginning of one session to the beginning of the next - not 2 hours free. But I am a rockstar - as of today I have managed to sort and purge the toy room, all the baby clothes, living room, my closet and dresser and half of my craft room. I also went to the passport office to get Aoife's passport and apply for her visa AND managed to get to the post office to send 3 boxes! There are many many bags already donated to Goodwill and many more to come - not to mention the 3 huge black trash bags full or junk sitting in the garage (if I put them in the trash can there would be no more room for trash!!). The first round of packers come Tuesday to start packing for storage - I think that I actually might have everything in order when they get here - if I keep working at this breakneck speed, that is.

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