This week has been mostly spent either waiting for our landlord to come
and fix the sink in the downstairs bathroom - it's been two weeks since
he took it apart and then left it like that - or dealing with the noise
that he and the plumber made all day Thursday and Friday while they
tried to fix it. The solution ended up involving taking a wall down in
the basement. I'm not sure exactly what they did but the sink works
well now - for the first time since we moved in almost 2 years ago - so I
don't really care!
We needed to get out of the house Friday
afternoon because the whole thing was starting to make me nuts -
especially since it has rained a lot and we've been trapped inside! So
during a break in the rain we went for a walk down by the Potomac.
Everything is getting really green - thanks to the rain! The kids
enjoyed chasing each other around and climbing up on the benches.

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