We went Trick or Treating tonight and is was fantastic! We had a really great time and the kids we so well behaved it was unbelievable! No one cried, whined or fell down. It was a total success! We really missed Brendan and this was the first Halloween that he has missed since Aidan's first Halloween. I was able to manage on my own and we only lost Emmy twice - but she didn't care that she was lost. I just sent Aidan ahead and he found her - chatting it up with a friend from school. She was in heaven in her costume and loved that I straightened her hair. Aoife was a fabulous Snow White and so cute with her dress and little read headband! Aidan was happy that he was the only Tron guy out there. Last year he was Ironman - with half of the neighborhood! Here is a picture of them from
last Halloween - they've gotten so big over the past year!
We took this yesterday - I was trying to get one where everyone was looking at the camera - at least they're all smiling even if Emmy's eyes are closed!

This is what you get when you wait to take a picture before they leave to go Trick or Treating!

In the neighbors' yard:

Aidan and Emmy setting off - Aoife stuck to my side the whole time.

Aoife had it down - she got double the candy because she was so cute!

The haul!!
thought of you guys - well of Aidan - when we were carving pumpkins. Is he still grossed out by pumpkin innards? Happy Halloween!
Hahahahahaha! That's funny - actually we didn't even carve them this year. Between the knives and the innards it wasn't worth it for me! Maybe next year!!
Glad you all had a great Halloween! I love the kids costumes, they look adorable (as always)!!
The pictures are adorable!
I feel like there is a similar picture from last year's Halloween at the kitchen table.
They look so cool!! Awesome costumes all around. I would have given them tons of candy!
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