The kids both went to the dentist last week and did great! I am terrible because Aidan had never been to the dentist before and now that he has 2 adult teeth it was really time to go. I couldn't get them seen in England since it takes so long on a waiting list to get signed up at a dental practice. Making dental appointments was one of the first things I did after moving into the house. Both of them were awesome. They got cleanings and fluoride treatments and didn't make any fuss at all. The hygienists were very impressed - or so they said!
Aidan getting a cleaning:


Emmy was very excited to get her teeth cleaned:

Being very good during her cleaning!

Good for you Becky. I was thinking of when I could get Addy to go to the dentist because I think she would love it!
Will and Maggie love the dentist, they are going on Friday and can't wait. The kids are looking so big, hope you are doing well
So glad the dentist appointment went so well! Having a good experience makes such a difference when it comes time to go back in 6 months!! My kids love going! *Go figure!!*
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